Kid3 open-source cross platform audio tagger Application on Linux OS

Kid3 open-source cross platform audio tagger Application on Linux OS

Kid3 is a KDE-based, open-source, and cross-platform audio tagger tool that allows tagging well-known audio file formats such as MP3, OGG, Opus, MP4, AAC. It provides support for tagging using ID3V1 and ID3V2 tags.
Kid3 allows editing of tags such as artist, album, year, and genre of all files of an audio album. 

Kid3 logo

Kid3 software technical details:

The programming language used for development: C++
License: GNU GPL(General Public License)
Developed by: Copyright © 2017 Urs Fleisch.
Operating Systems supported: Windows, Android, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux operating systems.
Platforms supported: X86(32-bit), X64(64-bit), and Power PC

Home page URL:
Kid3 home page

Download URL:

Kid3 download page

Tutorials URL:
Kid3 documentation page

Top Features of Kid3:

It is a Free and Open source audio tagging tool
It is a Cross-platform support tool
it allows editing ID3V1.1 and 1,.2 tags
It supports ID3V2.3 and 2.4 frames editing
It supports automatic tag conversion between  ID3v1.1, 2.3 and 2.4
It uses tracker modules to edit various types of audio files 
It allows editing tags of multiple files 
it generates direct tags from audio filename
it generates tags from tag field contents
it generates audio filename from tags 
it generates direct audio directories from tags 
it generates playlists
It supports automatic conversion of uppercase to lowercase and vice versa string replace in filenames and tags
Allows to import album data from various online sources
Allows to export tags in CSV, HTML, XML, playlist, and other formats
supports automatic tags editing using QML, Javascript, and Dbus command line Scripts

External Libraries  used by Kid3:


It is a library tool to develop useful cross-platform apps.


it is a free library for reading and manipulating audio tags such as ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags.


it is a library for reading and manipulating the meta-data of audio file formats using ID3v1 and ID3v2. 


it is a client-side library for extracting fingerprints from any audio files.


read and write Ogg files metadata


read and write Vorbis files metadata


 read and write FLAC files metadata

File formats supported by Kid3:

It supports tag editing for MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, WavPack, WMA, WAV, Speex,  DSF, FLAC, MPC, MP4/AAC, MP2TrueAudio, and AIFF.
File formats supported by Kid3 for tags export:
CSV(quoted and unquoted)
cdrdao, Technical details, Custom format

Kid3 file tracker modules:


Kid3 Playlist formats:


Kid 3 album metadata import sources: CDDb search service for music livers is a universal source of music information Music albums collection

Kid3 Screenshots:

Kid3 main editor window:

Kid3 main editor window

The Kid3 Menubar elements:

Kid3 Menubar elements


Open: It allows users to open files or directories from file system storage.
Import: It also allows importing files or kid3 projects from the file system.
Kid3 import file option

It also allows exporting files or kid3 projects into the file system.


It allows users to select files, directories.


Allows file selection using previous and next controls.


Allows performing the search operation.


Allows to perform Replace tag operation using find and replace a tag.

Kid3 find and replace option

Create a playlist: 

It allows users to create an audio playlist from selected files in the Kid3 workspace.

Kid3 create playlist option

Import from online sources: 

Allows to import audio file metadata from various online music album collection sources.
import from online sources amazon

Browse cover art: 

Allows to search for an album cover image using xdg-open URL.
Kid3 browse cover art  option


It allows users to perform the following operations:
1]Apply file formats and tags formats
2]Apply text encoding
3]Rename s directory 
Kid3 rename directory operation

4]Specify track numbers:
Kid3 write track numbers operation

5]Conversion between tags
6]Playa media


It includes various settings preferences to configure Kid3 audio tagger toolbar widgets and plugins.
1]Tags configuration
2]File formats configuration
Kid3 file naming settings

3]Network settings
Kid3 Network settings

4]plugins configuration
Kid3 plugins configuration

5]Keyboard shortcuts
Kid3 keyboard shortcuts configuration

6]Editor appearance settings
Kid3 editor preferences


It allows users to read the documentation and handbook using Handbook, About options. 
It also provides introductory details of QT documentation.

Steps to install Kid3:

Requirements for installation of Kid3:

Operating systems: Linux (KDE or Qt), Windows, macOS, and Android
Libraries: Qt, id3lib, libogg, libvorbise, libFLAC++, TagLib, and Chromaprint
Install using PPA:
Add repository:
>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ufleisch/kid3
Check update:
>sudo apt-get update
Install Kid3:
>sudo apt-get install kid3 
To install kid3QT:
>sudo apt-get install kid3-qt
To install kid3 CLI:
>sudo apt-get install kid3-cli 

Linux download:
Windows Download:
Mac OS Download:
Android app download:

Steps to install  Kid3 using GIT Repo:

Clone repository:
>git clone
Build configuration
>mkdir build
>cd build
Install Kid3
>cmake ../kid3

Automatic tags import:
Kid3 Automatic tags import

Import from gnudb:
Kid3 Import from gnudb

Export media :
kid3 Export media

Kid3 for MAC OSX:
kid3 for mac osx

Kid3 for Android OS:
kid3 for android os
