Pitivi fast open source video editor software for ubuntu linux OS

Pitivi fast open source video editor software for ubuntu linux OS

Pitivi is a free and open-source video editor. It comes with a simple graphical user interface and a clean codebase. 

Pitivi builds on the Gstreamer multimedia framework and allows support to the GNOME desktop environment.

Technical details of Pitivi:

Programming languages used for development: Python, C, GTK

Operating system supported by Pitivi: Linux distributions

Link to official home page:


Link to download Pitivi:


Why use Pitivi for video editing?

Pitivi has the following features that make it more useful.

Pitivi is free of cost video editing tool.

It includes a Toolbar with media controls.

It includes support for a powerful media library.  

It includes support for powerful media effects.

It includes support for viewing media clip properties.

It includes support for viewing media clip properties.

Supports live media playback during video editing as viewer control.

It includes support for viewing media clip timeline using ruler control.

It includes support for editing media clips using timeline control.

Pitivi timeline toolbar supports operations such as-split clip, copy clip, paste clip, group clip, ungroup clip, delete the selected clip, toggle the gapless.

Pitivi playback toolbar supports operations such as-Play, Pause, Forward using one second, Backword using one second, Move to start of the timeline, Move to end of the timeline.

It has an Audio effect library with the following effects:

Band equalizer, Aliasing, Interpolation, Pitch shift, Amplifier, Latency, Phaser, Karaok, LADSPA equalizer, Filter, Crossfeed, RAte adjust.

It has a Video effect library with the following effects:

3D Flippo, AgingTV, Alpha, Balance, Box Filter, Brightness, Burn, Corners, Cartoon, chromium, colorize, contrast, crop, distort, emboss, flipper, edge glow, HQDN3D, Mirror, Gstreamer, Opengl, Pinch, rotate, smooth, sharp, square, white balance.

Audio Codecs supported:


Pitivi audio codecs opus


Pitivi audio codecs vorbis

Video Codecs supported:


Pitivi video codecs theora


Pitivi video codecs on2vp8

File formats supported by PITIVI:

Output container file formats:






How to download and install Pitivi on Linux distributions:

Steps to install using Flatpack:

1]Add repo:

> $ flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

2]Install from repo:

>$ flatpak install flathub org.pitivi.Pitivi

3]to start and open Pitivi:

>$ flatpak run org.pitivi.Pitivi//stable

4]to update Pitivi:

Check updates:

>$ flatpak run org.pitivi.Pitivi//stable

Install Updates:

>flatpak update org.pitivi.Pitivi

How to uninstall pitivi:

>$ flatpak uninstall org.pitivi.Pitivi

How to use Pitivi for video editing:

Pitivi main window

1]open Pitivi video editor

List of editor components for the video editing operation 

1- Header bar
2-Media and effects library
3-Titles and clip transitions panel
4-Media files display
5-Media playback view
6-Media timeline
7-Media editing window
8-Media editing tools

2]select or open media files to perform media editing operations
Drag selected media file on video editing panel as shown below.

The image shown below is a Video editing window with a timeline and media file editing panel.

Pitivi media edit window

3]Edit video using media editing tool

The Image shown below is a video editing window with a video file and its playback.

Pitivi video editing
