How to compute descriptive statistic correlation in ubuntu linux using gnumeric excel workbook tool


What is Correlation

Correlation is a statistical measure that describes the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. It helps to understand whether an increase or decrease in one variable is associated with an increase or decrease in another. Correlation values range from -1 to 1:
  1. A correlation of 1 means a perfect positive relationship; as one variable increases, the other increases.
  2. A correlation of -1 indicates a perfect negative relationship; as one variable increases, the other decreases.
  3. A correlation of 0 suggests no relationship between the variables.

Real World example

Imagine you're studying the relationship between hours studied and test scores among students. You gather data on hours studied and corresponding test scores for several students. When you calculate the correlation, you get a value of 0.85. This high positive correlation suggests that as hours studied increase, test scores tend to increase as well, showing a strong positive relationship.
Alternatively, consider the relationship between temperature and the number of hot drinks sold at a cafe. You might find a negative correlation (e.g., -0.7), which means that as the temperature rises, hot drink sales decrease.
In these examples, correlation provides insights into how two variables move together, helping to make predictions and understand trends.

About Correlation tool in Gnumeric

  • calculates the pairwise Pearson correlation coefficients of the given variables.
  • calculate any number of correlation coefficients at the same time.
  • The variables for which the correlations are calculated are specified by the "Input Range:" entry.
  • The input range can consist of either a single range or a comma-separated list of ranges.
  • The given range or ranges can be grouped by columns, by rows, or by areas.

How to use Gnumeric correlation tool to Generate correlation between variables?

  1. Open Gnueric tool from ubuntu Menue
  2. Prepare your sample data in gnumeric sheet1
  3. Create your columns with numeric data values for the correlation calculation.
  4. Select the Correlation operation from Tool bar menue Navigate to "Statistics-> Descriptive Statistics -> Correlation"
  5. Select your Input data range (Select columns with values for correlation as input)

  6. Select your Output display format from correlation output dialog
    • New Sheet : To create result on new sheet
    • New WorkBook : To display result on new gnumeric woorkbook
    • Output range : To display result on exiting data sheet on provided cells range
    Click on Ok to generate the Correlation result, this will create new sheet with correlation result or selected data range.
  7. Correlation Result view on Correlation sheet

Video for processing the correlation operation in Gnumeric
